Item# 512084
25 Strips/Bottle
Test for: Cyanuric Acid, Total Dissolved Solids, High and Low Range Hardness
AquaChek Pro II is the perfect supplement to AquaChek® Pro. Test for 3 parameters that do not need to be tested weekly – cyanuric acid, total dissolved solids (TDS) and total hardness. (See descriptions of the individual products for more information.)
Get 4 important test results in just seconds! Dip an AquaChek Pro II strip in your pool or spa water for two seconds and remove it immediately.
For a clean and healthy pool, test the water at each end a minimum of twice a week!
Tests for 4 important chemistries in seconds: Cyanuric Acid, Total Dissolved Solids, High Range Hardness, and Low Range Hardness.
*Note: a minimum of 2 bottles of strips must be ordered