Hi-Grade Granulated Salts are food grade, granular, white crystalline, sodium chloride manufactured under stringent process control procedures by vacuum evaporation of raw, untreated brine. Hi-Grade is additive free.
Product Certifications:
Cargill® Hi-Grade salts meet USDA, FDA and Food Chemicals Codex for food use. Cargill® Hi-Grade is certified Kosher for Passover (OU-P) by the Orthodox Union.
Installing Zeobrite® Filtration on New and Existing Pools is the Smart Thing to Do!
Zeobrite® helps make swimming and other pool activities far more enjoyable. Zeobrite® is used...
50lb Soda Ash, Raises PH
Soda Ash increases the water's pH in swimming pools.
To raise pH: Measure pH with a reliable test kit. The ideal pH range is 7.2-7.8. When pH is below 7...