Light Grey Anti Vortex VGB Approved Drain Cover with Ring & 2 Screws 7 3/8 inch ABF-64 Replace Cover and screws within 6 years Floor Max 104 GPM Wall Max 68 GPM
Black Anti Vortex VGB Approved Drain Cover with Ring & 2 Screws 7 3/8 inch ABF-64 Replace Cover and screws within 6 years Floor Max 104 GPM Wall Max 68 GPM
Tan Anti Vortex VGB Approved Drain Cover with Ring & 2 Screws 7 3/8 inch ABF-64 Replace Cover and screws within 6 years Floor Max 104 GPM Wall Max 68 GPM
White Anti Vortex VGB Approved Drain Cover with Ring & 2 Screws 7 3/8 inch ABF-64 Replace Cover and screws within 6 years Floor Max 104 GPM Wall Max 68 GPM