The Palintest Calcium Hardness test is based on the Calcicol indicator reagent method. Calcium ions react specifically with Calcicol indicator in alkaline solution to give an orange coloration. The reagent itself gives a violet colour in solution. Thus, at different calcium levels, a distinctive range of colours from violet to orange is produced.
The reagents for the method are provided in the form of two tablets. The test is carried out simply by adding one of each tablet to a sample of the water. The colour produced is indicative of the calcium hardness and is measured using a Palintest Photometer
Palintest - Free And Total, 0-5 PPM - 250 Tests - AP031
250 tests per pack (AP031)
This Palintest chlorine test uses the DPD method developed by Dr A T Palin and now internationally recognised as...
Palintest - Chlorine Free, 0-5 PPM - 250 TESTS - AP011
250 tests per pack (AP011)
This Palintest chlorine test uses the DPD method developed by Dr A T Palin and
Palintest - Bromine, 0-10 - 250 Tests - AP060
250 tests per pack (AP060)
The Palintest bromine test uses the DPD method now internationally recognised as t
Palintest - Alkalinity (Total), Photometer Reagents, 0 - 500 mg/L CaCO3
250 tests per pack (AP188)
The Palintest Alkaphot test is based on a unique colorim